Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Long and Winding Road

Training is winding down, but at the same time getting busier. We have our language test coming up, presentations to give and beer to attend to (ok, so not really the last one, but I'm looking forward to heading out for a drink tonight). Then I will still have to learn Luo (the local language for where I will be living) and still have to pack.

Kenya is pretty amazing so far, I went up, with some others from my group, to Chogoria which is really close to Mt. Kenya. We stayed with a volunteer up there. The views, with the mountains, banana trees and tea plantations was just awesome. Plus watching Carlo chase kids really made me giggle. I know that sounds mean, but until you have a non-stop chorus of "How'a youuuu?" yelled at the same high pitch frequency everyday than you can't judge. Seriously, the kids are annoying.

We also got to stay two nights in Nairobi, one on the way there and one on the way back. Which allowed me to see the last Harry Potter. I'm not going to spoil it, but it's not as good as the book. We did get to eat at an awesome Indian restaurant.

So far I've gone against PC tradition and have lost weight. Not really sure how, pretty much all they eat here is carbs. Maybe it is the increase in walking. Or lack of fast food, alcohol and my now semi-vegetarian diet (still can't stomach most of the meat).

It feels kind of odd that in less than a month I will be living in yet another part of Kenya and will actually be doing "real" work. Also, will not have 51 other Mzungus (wazungu)around. But I've got some pretty cool people that will be living near me, so all good. Our Mzungu migrations will just be smaller.

Here are two things I've learned about Kenyans: they love TV novellas and Celine Dion. Oh, and I'm still covered in dust.


Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work. Good luck on your language tests. I'm sure you will do fine. Love, Dad

Anonymous said...

Hey Cory - Sounds so amazing what you are doing! Aside from your dusty feet, you must be really enjoying this experinec! I don't get it - why Celine Dion? Keep your posts coming - I really enjoy your perspective! Wisconsin Kim

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