My smoking man concert bag. It has hidden compartments to hold a camera. The last Kings of Leon concert I went to, they apparently hired super spies as security, the woman found it in like 20 seconds flat.

One of a pair of mittens that I made. I went on a big mitten kick, but these are probably my favorite.
This is my first sweater hybrid, I used two different patterns. I must admit, I still haven't finished it. Still need to finish the pockets and sew on buttons.
These are a pair of baby booties I made for my co-workers grandson. I think he grew out of them in like a week.
I am currently embarking on getting rid of my HUGE yarn stash. I'm currently working on a pillow. Next will be another pair of socks. I'm still a little gun shy with the particular needles used for socks since I stabbed myself in the leg with them 6 months ago. They've tasted blood and they want more.
Some Peace Corps news. Went to the dentist last week to get my cavity filled. Dentist looks in my mouth examines the tooth and says "I don't think we need to numb you up, it's pretty small." Uh oh. These were the same exact words I heard from the dentist last (and the first) time I got a cavity and painful it was. So I bucked up and prayed that Dentist was not some sadistic, avid Marathon Man fan. The pain from the cavity wasn't that bad, the pain from looking at how much that mouth guard was is a different story.
Also, it appears that I passed my blood work with no major issues.